Victoria Dom developer likely with PLN 304 mln EBITDA and PLN 200.3 mln net take in 2024

Listed developer Victoria Dom estimates that it had around PLN 304 million (EUR 71.35 mln) EBITDA, PLN 200.3 million (EUR 47 mln) net profit and PLN 982 million (EUR 230.5 mln) revenue in 2024, the company said in a press release with preliminary results for the last year.

"Victoria Dom, after a fantastic sales performance in 2023, in which more than 2,000 sales contracts were signed, and a solid result generated in 2024, achieved the highest sales revenue and net result in its history," said the company's deputy CEO Waldemar Wasiluk, quoted in the press release.

"The very high net results and the company's growing, strong capital base, provide a solid foundation for the further development of our property development activities in Poland, particularly in the main residential markets," he added.

According to the company, predictions for further development of the Polish economy, real interest rate cuts that will reduce the cost of mortgage loans, as well as unmet housing needs in the largest urban agglomerations, create favourable conditions for maintaining positive sales and financial results in the coming years.

"The large urban areas where we develop our projects are still facing a housing shortage, which gives us an advantage in the market. We expect 2025 to be another year of stable growth, both in terms of sales and financial results," deputy CEO Wasiluk assessed.

He added that Victoria Dom's stable financial position provides the basis for continuing its property development expansion in Poland.

"Our ability to implement new investments is growing, as well as to maintain high quality projects in attractive locations. Our strong capital base and high profitability give us the flexibility to respond to changing market conditions and allow us to continue our growth," Wasiluk said.

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