ZE PAK to maintain coal-fired power generation until the end of 2025

Listed power utility ZE PAK's power and coal complex will 100 percent maintain lignite energy production until the end of 2025 - stressed ZE PAK chairman Piotr Wozny at the parliamentary subcommittee on fair transition. He added that currently 50 percent of the lignite for the power plant is provided by an external supplier.

"Today I had a meeting with the trade unions, with the council of employees of the Konin lignite mine. I told them that we will 100 percent operate until the end of 2025, at 30-40 percent we will extend this activity until the end of 2026,"

Wozny said.

He stressed that the group is definitely at the very end of the operation of ZE PAK's power and coal complex.

"That is to say, in other words, in Eastern Greater Poland I think we will end the production of electricity from lignite in 2026," he added.

He informed that ZE PAK is already extracting lignite from the last Tomislawice open pit, and all other open pits are currently undergoing land restoration.

"At the moment, our energy mix looks like this: 50 percent, we get lignite from our own deposit, the Tomislawice open pit, and 50 percent of lignite we import from an external supplier, which feeds our power plant," he pointed out.

jz/ han/

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