BGK prices EUR 100 mln 8-year rescue bonds in private placement format

Poland's state development bank BGK priced 8-year euro-denominated bonds, issued for the benefit of Covid-19 Countermeasures Fund in a private placement format. The nominal value of the bond issue will be EUR 100 million, the press release said. A yield of 3.517 percent was achieved, with an annual coupon of 4.00 percent, stated the bank in a statement.

"On September 26, this year re-opened the issue of euro-denominated bonds maturing on March 13, 2032, issued for the Covid-19 Countermeasures Fund in a private placement format," BGK stated.

"The nominal value of the bond issue will be EUR 100 million. A yield of 3.517 percent was achieved, with an annual coupon of 4.00 percent," it added.

The issue was conducted on the basis of the Medium Term Note (MTN) programme established by BGK. The organizer of the issue was J.P. Morgan SE.

BGK is issuing the bonds for the benefit of Covid-19 Countermeasures Fund which is intended for the public finance sector. Its full service is provided by BGK, in particular managing its liquidity and raising finance, mainly in the form of bond issues.

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