Poland receives PLN 20 bln of EU funds under 2021-2027 cohesion policy so far

Under the 2021-2027 financial perspective, including advances, almost PLN 20 billion (EUR 4.7 bln) of funds under the EU cohesion policy has already been transferred to Poland, the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy (MFiPR) said in a press statement.

"So far, just under the 2021-2027 financial perspective, we have sent payment requests to the European Commission for a total of PLN 14.2 billion, of which we have been reimbursed more than PLN 8.7 billion," MFiPR wrote.

"On the other hand, including advances, almost PLN 20 billion of cohesion policy funds has already been transferred to Poland, only within the 2021-2027 financial perspective," it added.

The development funds ministry stressed that two years after the start of the EU's financial perspective, Poland has begun to take full advantage of its cohesion policy funds' pool of more than EUR 76.5 billion.

"These funds will be earmarked for levelling development opportunities, as well as for the socio-economic development of Polish regions and strengthening innovation and competitiveness of enterprises in Poland and on foreign markets," MFiPR explained.

EU cohesion policy includes the following funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Cohesion Fund (CF), European Social Fund+ (ESF+) and Fair Transition Fund (FST).

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