Poland's Armaments Agency with approx. PLN 540 bln multi-year value contracts at end-2024

The Polish Armaments Agency had, at the end of 2024, had a total of 467 contracts with a multi-year value of approximately PLN 540 billion (EUR 129.4 bln), and 235 contracts with entities in the Polish defence sector with a multi-year value of approximately PLN 198 billion (EUR 47.4 bln) were in progress, the defence ministry said in response to a parliamentary question.

"As of 31.12.2024, the Armament Agency was implementing a total of 467 contracts with a multi-year value of approximately PLN 540 billion. With entities of the Polish defence sector, 235 contracts were implemented, for a multi-year value of approximately PLN 198 billion (37 percent)," Poland's Ministry of National Defence stated.

"In 2024, the Armament Agency concluded 99 agreements (including 20 with PGZ S.A.), with a multi-year value of approximately PLN 145 billion (including PLN 32.5 billion with PGZ S.A.) and 19 annexes in terms of increasing the number of military equipment procured," it added.

In the 2025 budget, the government has allocated 4.7 percent of GDP for defence.

tus/ han/ nl/

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,4166 -0,55%
1 EUR 4,1738 -0,22%
1 GBP 5,0118 -0,20%
100 JPY 2,6520 -0,86%
1 USD 4,0391 -0,43%
