Polish climate ministry proposes changes to auctions for offshore wind energy
Poland's Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiS) is proposing changes to the auctions for electricity from offshore wind farms, including allowing for an extra auction in 2026 and modifying the indexation of support under contract of difference. The indexation is not to exceed the inflation target.
Poland's Ministry of Climate and Environment (MKiS) reminded that the auction support system for offshore wind farms assumes that the first auction will be held in 2025, and its successful completion is necessary to avoid the so-called generation gap.
The ministry proposes to cap the CFD indexation at the level of the mid-term inflation target, set by the Monetary Policy Council.
"To regulate this issue, it is proposed to introduce a solution consisting of establishing an indexation tunnel limited from above by the inflation target adopted by the Monetary Policy Council," it was written in the impact assessment (OSR).
This and other proposals of the ministry are included in a draft amendment to the the law on promoting the productions of the energy from the offshore wind farms that was published on Friday.
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