Polish firms to receive PLN 2.15 bln in EU funds for SMART path innovations in 2025

On Friday, another call for entrepreneurs for innovations from European funds under the SMART path will be launched with a pool of PLN 1.3 billion (EUR 303.8 mln). In total, there will be calls for PLN 2.15 billion (EUR 502.6 mln) under this path this year, Poland's development funds and regional policy minister Katarzyna Pelczynska-Nalecz told a conference.

"Today, in terms of innovation, Poland is in 23rd place among the 27 EU countries. We have a high ambition that within the next decade, Poland will be among the top ten European innovators," Pelczynska-Nalecz told a conference.

"We also have unprecedented resources - a total of PLN 200 billion from the European Funds and national recovery plan KPO to support businesses and innovation," she added.

The largest programme implemented with these funds is SMART.

The development funds minister added that a call from the SMART path for PLN 1.3 billion (EUR 303.8 mln) for consortia to invest in innovation and modernisation will be launched on Friday, and entrepreneurs can receive up to PLN 150 million (EUR 35.1 mln).

"In total, there will be calls for PLN 2.15 billion from the SMART path this year," she concluded.

In 2024, 426 projects worth more than PLN 3.5 billion (EUR 817.9 mln) were supported under the SMART path.

jz/ nl/ ao/

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