Poland's Job Barometer at 251.3 points in December, same as in November - BIEC researcher

Poland's Job Barometer index, indicating changes in the number of jobs offers published online, was 251.3 points in Poland in December, the same as in November, the economic researcher BIEC and Department of Macroeconomics at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow reported.

"For most of last year we saw a tentative recovery in recruitment activity after previous significant declines. However, recent months have been characterised by a renewed reduction in vacancies. As a result, there has been a very slight increase in numbers throughout 2024. In 2024, a significant diversification of the individual areas of the market. In some categories, the number of vacancies advertised broke records," it was written in the commentary to the survey.

At the same time, categories were noted in which vacancies had even declined to pre-2024 levels.

The survey shows that in December, after excluding jobs of a seasonal nature, the number of provinces with a decrease in job advertisements was noted to outnumber those with an increase.

The largest decrease in the number of job offers on a monthly basis occurred in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Śląskie and Wielkopolskie Voivodeships.

Among broad occupational groups, in December, more vacancies than a month ago appeared only for representatives of occupations requiring education in sciences or engineering.

"It did not have much of an effect, as there is a clear downward trend for occupations in the sciences. The number of advertised job offers for this type of workers has been steadily shrinking for 2.5 years. Last year was another year in the negative for the technical professions," they wrote.

In December alone, there was also a significant decline in the number of vacancies for manual workers. This was the third consecutive decline in this category.

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