Creotech signs PLN 557 mln contract with Poland for ‘Microglob’ satellite system

Listed new technologies provider Creotech Instruments has concluded a contract with the Polish State Treasury - Armament Agency for the manufacture and delivery of the ‘Microglob’ Earth Observation Satellite System worth PLN 557 million (EUR 130.9 mln), the company wrote in a market filing.

"The management board of Creotech Instruments (...) informs that on December 20, 2024, the company signed an agreement with the Polish State Treasury - Armament Agency for the manufacture and delivery of the Satellite Earth Observation System (SSOZ) 'Microglob' covering phases B, C, D, E1," Creotech announced.

The company reported that the implementation of the object of the agreement will be carried out in accordance with the ECSS (European Collaboration for Space Standardisation) methodology.

The contract will be completed by March 31, 2027.

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