CPK signs contracts worth more than PLN 500 mln in total since beginning of ‘24

Poland's Central Transportation Hub CPK has, since the beginning of 2024, concluded contracts with more than 20 companies with a total value of more than PLN 500 million (EUR 117.1 mln), the company said in a post on President Andrzej Duda's remarks on the project at the Krynica Forum.

"In total, since January this year, CPK has signed contracts with more than 20 companies with a total value exceeding half a billion PLN. It is noteworthy that a significant proportion of these contracts have been awarded to design and construction companies from Poland," it wrote.

Among other things, the post referred to the president's allegations of staff outflows from the company and the finance minister's delay in handing over treasury papers for the project.

"A total of 87 people have left the company in the first eight months of this year, while 42 new experts have been recruited. The company's financing was drastically reduced by PLN 3.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023, this is even before the changes to the position of Plenipotentiary and the composition of the management board," they wrote.

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