BANK PEKAO SA (33/2024) Zakończenie subskrypcji euroobligacji nieuprzywilejowanych senioralnych (Senior Non-Preferred) serii 2 o łącznej wartości nominalnej 500.000.000 EUR emitowanych w ramach Programu EMTN

Raport bieżący 33/2024

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION17.09.2024 - Report 33/2024: Completion

of subscription of Senior Non-Preferred series 2 Eurobonds with a total

nominal value of 500,000,000 EUR to be issued under EMTN ProgrammeBank

Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna (_quot;Bank_quot;)

announces that on 17 September 2024 it closed the subscription of Senior

Non-Preferred Eurobonds with a total nominal value of 500,000,000 EUR

due September 2030 (_quot;Eurobonds_quot;). The Eurobonds will be

issued by the Bank under its medium-term eurobond issuance programme (_quot;EMTN

Programme_quot;), about the establishment of which the Bank informed in

the current report No. 24/2023, and, pursuant to the base prospectus

approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier in

Luxembourg on 13 November 2023, subsequently updated by the supplements

no. 1 and 2 to the base prospectus approved by the Commission de

Surveillance du Secteur Financier in Luxembourg on 11 September 2024 and

16 September 2024 respectively. The Eurobonds are expected to be

admitted to trading on the Regulated Market of the Luxembourg Stock

Exchange and the Warsaw Stock Exchange and listed on the Official List

of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.The Bank also publishes the

following information regarding the Eurobonds:1. subscription start

date: 17 September 20242. subscription end date: 17

September 20243. date of allotment of Eurobonds: 17 September 20244.

number of Eurobonds covered by the subscription: 5,000 (with a total

nominal value of 500,000,000 EUR)5. the reduction rate of the

Eurobonds allocated in one tranche was 57.37%6. number of Eurobonds

subscribed: 11,729.55 (with a total nominal value of 1,172,955,000 EUR)7.

number of Eurobonds allocated under the subscription: 5,000 (with a

total nominal value of 500,000,000 EUR)8. price of acquisition of

Eurobonds: 99.507% of the nominal value9. margin determining the

interest rate for the Eurobonds: 180 basis points10. the Eurobonds

will be issued for a period of 6 years with an option for early

redemption by the Bank 5 years after issue (6NC5)11. number of

persons who subscribed for the Eurobonds: 10612. number of persons

to whom the Eurobonds were allotted under the subscription: 7313.

name(s) of the underwriters who subscribed for the Eurobonds in the

performance of the underwriting agreements, with an indication of the

number of securities which they subscribed for, together with the actual

unit price per security, being the issue price, after deduction of the

consideration for subscribing the security, acquired by the underwriter,

in the performance of the underwriting agreement: there were no

underwriters involved in the issue who subscribed for the Eurobonds in

performance of underwriting agreements: not applicable14. the value

of the subscription, understood as the product of the number of

Eurobonds issued and the issue price: 497,535,000 EUR15. the Bank

will make the information regarding the amount of the total costs that

have been included in the costs of the issuance publicly available in a

separate current report once all payments related to the issue have been

received and accepted16. the Bank will make the information

regarding the average cost of carrying out the subscription per unit of

Eurobonds subscribed publicly available in a separate current report

once all issue payments have been received and accepted17. The

Eurobonds will be paid for by transfer to the Bank's account.The

anticipated issue date of the Eurobonds is 24 September 2024.Legal

basis: §16(1) of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March

2018 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of

securities and conditions for recognising as equivalent information

required by the laws of a non-member state.

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100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
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