Echo Investment starts construction of dormitories

Listed developer Echo Investment has started the construction of dormitories in Krakow, which it wants to put into operation next year, board representatives told a conference. According to the board, the foundations of the market are very strong in Poland and supply is insufficient.

"The foundations of the market are very strong in Poland. There is a small supply in the private market, while demand is growing, there are more and more international students, and the current offer is insufficient," said Echo's deputy CEO Maciej Drozd.

"We are also seeing strong price growth in the segment, so we maintain our target of 5,000 units in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw," he added.

The first two StudentSpace projects will be launched in Krakow and students will be able to live there from September 2025, while the first project in Warsaw is scheduled for completion in autumn 2026.

Construction of the first two projects under the new StudentSpace private student housing platform - a joint venture between Echo Investment, Signal Capital Partners and Griffin Capital Partners - started in September.

"We will continue to develop the platform (...) to be a dominant player in the Polish market, where there is a significant shortage of supply. (...) We will focus on Warsaw and Krakow," CEO Nicklas Lindberg said.

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