LPP fashion counts on sales growth rate of at least 20 pct

Listed fashion group LPP counts on a successful October and a sales growth of at least 20 percent in this period, Przemyslaw Lutkiewicz, deputy CEO, informed.

"We are counting on good sales in October," said deputy CEO Lutkiewicz.

"The minimum we would be happy with in October is 20 percent year-on-year growth, and we would like to move towards 25-30 percent," the deputy CEO added.

As he pointed out, the collection has been well received and the warehouses are ready.

"I am counting on a good end to the third quarter and a good fourth quarter," Lutkiewicz said.

LPP Group's omnichannel sales in the period from August 1 to September 20 increased by 32 percent year on year at constant exchange rates.

As stated in the presentation, sales of the 'Back to school' collection increased by 30 percent year on year between August 19 and August 22, of which around 46 percent at the Sinsay chain.

pel/ han/ nl/

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