Poland to build hydrogen plant in Silesia

The state-owned Industrial Development Agency (ARP) is set to construct a hydrogen production plant in the industrial region of Silesia, southwestern Poland, the head of ARP has announced.

Michal Dabrowski informed PAP on Thursday that the factory would be established as a joint venture investment involving ARP and three additional partners.

"I believe this project will transform the outlook for Poland's economy, particularly in the transportation and environmental sectors," he said. The investment, he added, would incorporate the use of green hydrogen in both industry and the automobility areas.

Dabrowski added that the initiative was introduced by Industry Minister Marzena Czarnecka and was likely to be located in Silesia.

"It will be a game changer for the region," he said. "Our aim is to lead the way, and we have already established our key milestones."

With its estimated cost of EUR 1.5 billion-2 billion, ARP intends to seek funding from the European Hydrogen Bank.

Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power. It can be used as a clean energy source for various applications, including transportation, industry, and energy storage. (PAP)

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