LPP fashion deputy CEO Lutkiewicz resigns from his position of deputy CEO

Listed fashion group LPP's deputy CEO Przemyslaw Lutkiewicz resigned from his position on October 17, the company announced in a press release. Lutkiewicz indicated that the resignation is for health reasons

The group's CEO Marek Piechocki made a statement regarding his intention to submit Marcin Bojka to the annual general meeting as a candidate for appointment to the management board in the role of deputy CEO- CFO.

"In view of Mr Przemyslaw Lutkiewicz's resignation (...) from further membership of the company's management board, it becomes necessary to appoint a member of the management board responsible for the financial division of the company's capital group," the release said.

As stated, in the opinion of the CEO, Marcin Bojko, who has been performing management duties in the company's finance department for more than a year, including the duties of the company's CFO since June 2024, has adequate competences and experience to sit on the governing body of the LPP Group.

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