Tusk urges EU to change regulations that hike energy prices

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, in an address in the European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday, said he would like to initiate a review and change of some EU regulations that "could result in even higher energy prices."

Speaking in the European Parliament, Tusk outlined the priorities of Poland's six-month presidency of the Council of the European Union, which started in January.

He said certain EU regulations had led to "unacceptably high" energy prices in some European countries.

"How do you want to compete with the US or Chinese economies if our energy is three times more expensive?" he asked rhetorically.

"Please, let's take an earnest approach to a full and very critical review of all regulations, including those resulting from the Green Deal, so that we can not only pinpoint, but also change all the provisions that could result in even higher energy prices," Tusk said.

He warned that high energy prices "can wipe out many a democratic government in the EU." He also spoke against a too rapid introduction of an emission trading system for buildings and road transport, which is another step of the EU's emission-cutting agenda. (PAP)

jd/ jch

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