Asseco Business Solutions IT has PLN 306 mln backlog

Listed IT group Asseco's unit, Asseco Business Solutions, has a backlog of PLN 306 million (EUR 73.6 mln), the company's CFO Mariusz Lizon announced during the conference on its financial results. He added that the company is planning further share buybacks

"We have PLN 306 million in the backlog at the start of the year and we believe that this level is very high. We have increased our vector from PLN 279 million to PLN 306 million and this is an increase of 9.7 percent," Asseco BS' CFO said.

"There was PLN 27.3 million added to the backlog from the additional revenues of last year and this is something we are starting with at the beginning of 2025," he added.

Lizon said that the company had bought back 600,000 of its own shares in 2024 as part of the remuneration of the management board and key management and plans to continue this programme in 2025 as well.

"We will probably continue this programme this year, as the resolution of the general meeting gives the board the opportunity to purchase these shares from the market up to the value of one million shares," Asseco Business Solutions' CFO said.

Asseco Business Solutions said it had a net profit of PLN 40.2 million (EUR 9.7 mln) in the fourth quarter of 2024 and a net take of PLN 428 million (EUR 103 mln) for the whole of 2024, up 12.7 percent year on year.

The CFO pointed out that part of the financial result, around PLN 3 million (EUR 721,800), came from a tax adjustment.

"We made an adjustment for 2022-2023, and we obtained a positive individual interpretation. The interpretation concerned how to account for the two tax preferences that we benefit from," Lizon explained.

Asseco Business Solutions' EBITDA for 2024 was PLN 164.2 million (EUR 39.5 mln). The management and supervisory board of Asseco Business Solutions are recommending to the general meeting the payment of a dividend of PLN 3.3 (EUR 0.79) per share.

mbi/ ao/

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