Asseco Poland's order backlog for ‘24 has value of PLN 12.4 bln

Listed IT group Asseco Group's order backlog for 2024 in fluctuating exchange rates, in the area of software and proprietary services, has a value of PLN 12.4 billion (EUR 2.9 bln), the company said in a quarterly report. In constant exchange rates, in which the backlog for 2023 was converted, the portfolio exceeds PLN 13.07 billion (EUR 3.1 bln) and is 7 percent higher than in the same period of 2023.

The order backlog for 2024 in floating exchange rates in the Asseco International segment is now 4 percent higher at PLN 2.52 billion (EUR 588.7 mln).

In the Formula Systems segment, the year-on-year decrease is 1 percent and the order backlog is worth PLN 8.14 billion (EUR 1.9 bln).

The order backlog of the Asseco Poland segment for 2024 is PLN 1.71 billion (EUR 399.5 mln), a year-on-year increase of 9 percent.

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