Asseco SEE sees EUR 340.8 mln backlog for 2024

The order backlog of the Asseco South Eastern Europe group including Payten for 2024 reached EUR 340.8 million, up by 11 percent year-on-year, the company's representatives told a press conference. The group's order backlog for the third quarter is at EUR 98.2 million, versus EUR 73.1 million a year prior.

Asseco South Eastern Europe preliminary results for the second quarter of 2024 versus PAP consensus

Q2 2024 result consensus vs consensus y/y q/q
PLN mln PLN mln % % %
Revenues 398 372.6 6.8% 6.0% 8.4%
EBIT 43.2 46.9 -7.9% -20.1% -9.1%
Net attrib result 40.1 38.1 5.3% -14.9% -13.8%
EBIT margin 10.9% 12.6% -1.75 -3.55 -2.08
Net margin 10.1% 10.2% -0.16 -2.47 -2.5

The group's preliminary sales amounted to approximately PLN 756 million (EUR 176.9 mln) in the first half of 2024, up by approx. PLN 9 million (EUR 2.1 mln), or 1 percent year on year.

Consolidated operational profit is seen at approx. PLN 90.6 million (EUR 21.2 mln), down by around PLN 13.1 million (EUR 3.1 mln) or 13 percent comparing to the previous year period.

Atttributable net profit amounted to approximately PLN 87.0 million (EUR 20.4 mln), down by around PLN 5.0 million (EUR 1.2 mln) or 5 percent year on year.

The net cash funds amounted to approx. minus PLN 80 million (EUR 18.7 mln) at the end of the second quarter of 2024, down by around PLN 185 million (EUR 43.3 mln) or 176 percent from the end of 2023.

alk/ mik/ pel/

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