CCC footwear plans to invest PLN 200 million in new logistics centre

Listed footwear group CCC is planning to build a new logistics centre in Polkowice, in the construction of which the group will invest about PLN 200 million (EUR 46.8 mln). It will allow for further development of the HalfPrice chain, the company said in a market filing.

The construction of the distribution centre will start at the end of the first and the beginning of the second quarter of 2025, with the start-up process in the second quarter of 2026.

The company plans to build a warehouse that will provide support for all logistics operations related to the receipt, adjustment and distribution of goods to the entire network of HalfPrice shops located in Poland and Europe.

"The construction of the new logistics centre is a strategic step in the dynamic development of the HalfPrice network, which, thanks to the applied technologies, will significantly increase the efficiency of our operations," said CEO Dariusz Milek, quoted in the release.

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