CD Projekt games wants to pay 25 pct of net profit as dividend

Listed video games producer CD Projekt wants to pay out 25 percent of its net profit in the form of dividends, the company said in a market filing with the dividend policy adopted by the supervisory board. The policy will apply to dividends for the 2025 financial year and for subsequent years.

"It is the intention of the supervisory board to recommend to the general meeting dividend payments of 25 percent of the company's net profit for the financial year or higher," it wrote.

It added that each time before making a recommendation, the supervisory board will analyse all financial and non-financial aspects that it considers relevant to decide on the proposed dividend amount.

If, following the analysis, the supervisory board decides to recommend the payment of a dividend in an amount lower than the target dividend, including the non-payment of a dividend in a given year, the intention will be to recommend to the general meeting to transfer a part of the profit constituting the difference between the target dividend and the recommended dividend to the company's reserve capital, as well as to pay an amount equal to the difference as an amount increasing the dividend paid by the company as part of profit distribution over the next five financial years (either in one go or in parts).

As an example, it is stated that if the general meeting decides to pay an amount equal to the target dividend as part of the dividend for a given financial year and decides to pay the difference on a one-off basis, the dividend for the year will be equal to the sum of the target dividend and the difference.

"The sum of the cumulative unpaid differences from subsequent financial years starting with the difference for the financial year 2025 (if such positive difference for the financial year 2025 arises) will, for the purposes of this policy, be referred to as the dividend budget," they wrote.

mcb/ nl/

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