Creepy Jar estimates PLN 15.9 mln net profit in 2024, down 13 pct y/y, wants to pay 50 pct of 2024 take to dividends

Listed games developer Creepy Jar estimates that it had PLN 15.9 million (EUR 3.8 mln) net profit in 2024, down by 13 percent year on year, PLN 13.9 million (EUR 3.3 mln) in operational profit, down 12 percent year on year, and PLN 31 million (EUR 7.4 mln) in revenue, down 17 percent year on year, the company said in a market filing. Creepy Jar is recommending to shareholders to adopt a resolution to allocate approximately 50 percent of its 2024 profit to dividend.

As Creepy Jar reported, its short-term financial assets stood at PLN 76.6 million (EUR 18.4 mln) as of December 31, 2024, against PLN 79.1 million (EUR 19 mln) a year earlier.

The company said that the lower level of sales revenue in 2024 was primarily driven by a significant decrease in revenue on console platforms and from the VR device version.

Creepy Jar is recommending to the general meeting to adopt a resolution to allocate approximately 50 percent of its 2024 profit to dividend.

In June 2024, Creepy Jar's shareholders decided to allocate PLN 9.17 million (EUR 2.2 mln) of the 2023 net profit to dividends, which translates into PLN 13.11 (EUR 3.15) dividend per share.

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