Cyfrowy Polsat TMT and Polkomtel telco to make partial early repayment of loans

Listed TMT group Cyfrowy Polsat and the Polish telecom operator Polkomtel are planning a partial prepayment of the loans, the prepayment of the principal in the amount of PLN 681.4 million (EUR 163.6 mln) plus accrued interest is scheduled for February 21, 2025, Cyfrowy Polsat said in the market filing.

Cyfrowy Polsat said that as a result of the above prepayment, the total principal amount of the company's and Polkomtel's debt under the loan agreement will be PLN 6,263.1 million (EUR 1.5 bln) with a repayment schedule until 2028.

The funds for the partial prepayment of the term loan were raised, among others, through the disposal of shares in the listed IT company Asseco Poland.

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