DINO POLSKA SA (13/2024) Powołanie dotychczasowych Członków Zarządu "DINO POLSKA" S.A. na kolejną kadencję

Raport bieżący z plikiem 13/2024

Current Report

no. 13/2024Appointment

of the current Management Board members of "DINO POLSKA" S.A. for

another term of officeThe

Management Board of "DINO POLSKA" S.A. ("Company") reports that today

the Company's Supervisory Board adopted resolutions appointing the

current Management Board members of "DINO POLSKA" S.A. for another term

of office, i.e.:-

Ms. Izabela Biadała to be a Management Board member of "DINO POLSKA" S.A.


Mr. Michał Krauze to be a Management Board member of "DINO POLSKA" S.A.


Mr. Piotr Ścigała to be a Management Board member of "DINO POLSKA" S.A.


new three-year term of office will begin on January 1, 2025.


to the declarations the foregoing persons have submitted, they do not

conduct any competitive activity with respect to "DINO POLSKA" S.A.,

they do not participate in a competing company as partners in a civil

law partnership, a commercial law partnership or in a corporation, nor

do they participate in any competitive legal person as members of its

governing body. According to the declarations the appointed Management

Board members have submitted, they do not appear in the Register of

Insolvent Debtors kept on the basis of the Act on the National Court



the Company conveys the CVs of the appointed Management Board members.


basis:_#160;§ 5 Section 5 of the Finance Minister's Regulation of 29 March

2018 on current and periodic information transmitted by securities

issuers and the conditions for recognizing information required by the

laws of a non-member state as equivalent

More information on page: http://biznes.pap.pl/en/reports/espi/all,0,0,0,1

kom espi zdz

DOC.20240927.49663744.zal01_DPSA_-_RB13_2024_zala… DOC.20240927.49663744.zal02_DPSA_-_CR13_2024_atta…
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1 CHF 4,5137 0,45%
1 EUR 4,2702 0,12%
1 GBP 5,1229 0,39%
100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
1 USD 3,8330 0,61%