Energa and PGE units to receive PLN 407 mln for smart energy distribution networks

Energa-Operator, the unit of Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's subsidiary, and listed power utility PGE's unit - PGE Dystrybucja, will receive PLN 407 million (EUR 95.2 mln) in EU funding to invest in the development of smart energy distribution networks, the press release stated.

"Further funding agreements have been signed for investments in the development of smart energy distribution networks in Eastern Poland," the press release said.

"PGE Dystrybucja S.A. and Energa-Operator S.A. will carry out projects that will allow connection of dispersed RES to the grid, ensure stable energy supply to consumers, help develop zero-emission transport and industry. The total value of the contracts is PLN 687 million, of which PLN 407 million is co-financed by the European Funds for Eastern Poland programme," it added.

Energa-Operator will receive PLN 63.5 million (EUR 14.9 mln) in EU funding for its project worth PLN 112.5 million (EUR 26.3 mln).

The remaining funds will be granted to PGE Dystrybucja for its three projects.

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