INTER RAO LIETUVA AB (23/2022) Regarding the decision made by Vilnius Regional Court

Report no 23/2022

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

Please be informed that Vilnius Regional Court has accepted the complaint of Alpig AG, by which Alpig AG requests to annul the decisions of the meeting of creditors of AB INTER RAO Lietuva, taken on the 30th of June, 2022.

Creditors of AB INTER RAO Lietuva have the right to submit to the Vilnius Regional Court a response to Alpig AG's complaint (civil case No. eB2-2568-864/2022) until the 1st of August, 2022.

If you would like to receive a copy of Alpig AG's complaint, please notify us by e-mail

The Vilnius Regional Court decided to stay the extra-judicial bankruptcy proceedings of AB INTER RAO Lietuva until the entry into effect of the judgement in this case. Considering this decision, the time limit for making creditor claims is suspended. We will inform you about the renewal of this time limit by separate notice.

We also inform you that on the 2nd of August, 2022, 9:00 a.m., Vilnius Regional Court (at Gedimino pr. 40, Vilnius) in a written procedure will examine the complaint of the applicant Alpig AG regarding the annulment of the decisions of the meeting of creditors of AB INTER RAO Lietuva (legal entity code 126119913) taken on the 30th of June, 2022. When the case is examined in a written procedure, the persons participating in the case are not invited to the court session and do not participate in it. Composition of the court: Judge Ramun Mikonien. Information is provided by phone 8 706 668 369 (Document Reception and Information Office).

Legal grounds: Article 17.1 of the EU Regulation on market abuse No 596/2014

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