Mercator Medical wants to invest around PLN 150 mln in real estate development in 2025

Listed medical gloves producer Mercator Medical wants to invest around PLN 150 million (EUR 32.02 mln) in property development activities in 2025, CEO Monika Zyznowska told a videoconference.

"We are working on further development projects. We have increased the team for these projects, and we will want to finalise more projects. (...)," CEO Monika Zyznowska said.

"We are looking at real estate projects in a four-quarter perspective because these projects move from quarter to quarter (...). We want to invest PLN 150 million next year," she added.

Mercator has announced the purchase of two tenements in Cracow. The company's goal is to renovate them and create tenements with premium flats.

"We have started the work and selected a close group of architects, from which we will choose one company for further cooperation. At the end of next year or the beginning of 2026, we will be talking about construction permission and launch of the development. We are looking at these real estate projects in four-year cycles," Zyznowska said.

"The team is working on more projects. (…) We have three on the table moving towards finalisation," she added.

Mercator Medical formed Mercator Estates in mid-2023. It aims to spin off and expand the real estate development business within the group.

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