MILESTONE MEDICAL INC. (12/2023) Commencing sales of CompuFlo Epidural disposables within Island Ambulatory Surgery Center in Brooklyn, New York

Raport bieżący 12/2023

Postawa prawna: Art. 17 ust. 1 MAR - informacje poufne.

The Board of Directors of Milestone Medical Inc. (WAR: MMD, "the Company", "the Issuer"), today announced that it has commenced sales of CompuFlo Epidural disposables into Island Ambulatory Surgery Center, a multi-specialty ambulatory surgery center based in Brooklyn, New York with a focus on pain management, orthopedics and spine care, urology, podiatry and plastic surgery. Island Ambulatory Surgery Center is affiliated with Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS), which operates 19 hospitals across New York.

Sales to Island Ambulatory Surgery Center represent the Company's first foray into the ambulatory surgery center marketan addressable market of more than 9,000 centers across the U.S.

Adoption of the technology by this center follows a successful evaluation process by its founder and medical director, Dr. Leon Reyfman, MD, MBA, an interventional pain medicine physician, who is board-certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology in both anesthesiology and pain medicine. Dr. Reyfman currently serves as the Assistant Clinical Professor of Anesthesiology at SUNY Downstate Medical School. Dr. Reyfman is a member of the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians as well as the International Spine Intervention Society.

Dr. Leon Reyfman was one of a team of four doctors who completed eighteen cases using the CompuFlo Epidural system at Island Ambulatory Surgery Center, in which they reported 100% success. The evaluation included Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) procedures within the lumbar, thoracic and cervical thoracic junction of the spine.

The Board of Directors of the Company is pleased to announce the adoption of our technology by Island Ambulatory Surgery Center, which represents the first commercial adoption of the CompuFlo Epidural System within an ambulatory surgery center.

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