Orlen energy announces construction of two CCGT power plants for approx. PLN 6 bln

Poland's largest energy concern Orlen announces the construction of two steam-gas-powered power plants in Gdansk and Grudziadz worth around PLN 6 bln (EUR 1.4 bln). As Orlen's CEO Ireneusz Fafara told PAP, the concern is carrying out advanced analytic works for the Gdansk project and has applied for a building permit for the Grudziadz 2 project.

Orlen assumes that both power plants will be steam-gas fired CCGT plants.

In Grudziadz, Orlen is already building a 575 MW CCGT unit, which is expected to be ready in 2026. As the CEO Fafara reported, the replacement construction project has already been made, and the concern has submitted a request for a construction permit.

"(...) we have also applied to Poland's grid operator PSE for an increase in the grid connection capacity," Fafara told PAP.

"We are convinced that Poland needs new generation capacity," he stressed.

Orlen's CEO added that for the Gdansk project the company is carrying out advanced analytic works. He recalled that the concern has submitted the project to Poland's capacity market auction, but did not win a contract.

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