Given Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's strong credit profile, the company's corporate bonds issued in euro are quite attractive compared to those of other oil and gas companies with ratings of ‘A-’ and ‘BBB-’, analysts at Erste Group Research wrote in a report on February 19.
Biorąc pod uwagę silny profil kredytowy Orlenu, wyemitowane obligacje korporacyjne spółki w euro są dość atrakcyjne w porównaniu z obligacjami innych spółek naftowo-gazowych o ratingach "A-" i "BBB-" - uważają analitycy Erste Group Research w raporcie z 19 lutego.
Energa Operator, the unit of Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's subsidiary Energa, has signed with Poland's state development bank BGK a loan agreement for more than PLN 7.66 billion (EUR 1.84 bln) of EU funds under the national recovery plan KPO, providing support for the development of smart power grids by the company in 2022-2036, Energa announced in a market filing.
Energa Operator, the unit of Poland's largest energy concern Orlen's subsidiary Energa, has signed with Poland's state development bank BGK a loan agreement for more than PLN 7.66 billion (EUR 1.84 bln) of EU funds under the national recovery plan KPO, providing support for the development of smart power grids by the company in 2022-2036, Energa announced in a market filing.
Energa Operator podpisała z Bankiem Gospodarstwa Krajowego umowę pożyczki do 7,66 mld zł ze środków Krajowego Planu Odbudowy i Zwiększania Odporności w ramach komponentu G na rozwój inteligentnych sieci elektroenergetycznych przez spółkę w latach 2022-2036 - podała spółka w komunikacie.
Poland's natgas storage facilities' filling level has fallen to 57 percent as of February 16, according to Gas Storage Poland, the natural gas gathering and storage company.
Poland's largest energy concern Orlen delivered nearly 244,000 tonnes of liquefied gas to customers in 2024, up by almost 30 percent year on year, Orlen said in a press release.
Grupa Orlen dostarczyła do klientów w 2024 r. blisko 244 tysiące ton skroplonego gazu, to prawie o 30 proc. więcej niż rok wcześniej - podała spółka w komunikacie prasowym.
Poland's largest energy concern Orlen and its unit Orlen Upstream Polska have discovered a new gas deposit in the Greater Poland region, the concern said in a press release. After production testing, the deposit's resources were estimated at more than 235 million cubic metres.
Orlen i Orlen Upstream Polska odkryły nowe złoże gazu w Wielkopolsce - podał koncern w komunikacie prasowym. Po przeprowadzeniu testów produkcyjnych, zasoby złoża oszacowano na ponad 235 mln m sześc.
The board of Norges Bank has decided to end the observation of Poland's largest energy concern Orlen, Norges Bank Investment Management wrote in a statement.
Poland's largest energy concern Orlen plans to construct a hydrogen production facility in Szczecin as part of the "Clean Cities - Hydrogen Mobility in Poland" project, supported by EU funding.