Pepco retailer's share price rises nearly 7 pct, slight rise in WIG20

Listed retailer Pepco's share price rises nearly 7 percent. The WIG20 index is up 0.9 percent.

Pepco said in an announcement issued for the 2025 Capital Markets Day that it is pulling out of the FMCG space and will focus on the Pepco brand as its only future shop format.

The group will look to spin off Poundland and will consider the option to divest Dealz in the medium term.

As stated in the release, management is actively exploring all strategic options to spin off Poundland from the group during the 2025 financial year, including its potential sale, while managing Dealz Poland to optimise value in the medium term.

In the second quarter of the current financial year, Pepco Group's like-for-like revenue grew by 1.5 percent in the eight weeks leading up to March 2, 2025.The group expects year on year growth in underlying EBITDA (IFRS 16) for the Pepco brand at a high single-digit level.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3811 -0,38%
1 EUR 4,1783 -0,28%
1 GBP 4,9986 -0,58%
100 JPY 2,5720 0,02%
1 USD 3,8606 -0,59%