Poland's antitrust watchdog charges Vectra for unilateral changes to contracts

Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK has charged Polish telco company Vectra for unilateral changes to contracts and unlawfully increasing subscription fees, UOKiK said in a statement.

"We have repeatedly questioned improperly implemented changes to contracts for an indefinite or fixed period in the telecommunications sector or in the financial industry. After our actions, the market is adjusting to the regulations. Vectra, meanwhile, has once again illegally increased fees," said the head of UOKiK Tomasz Chrostny, quoted in the press release.

"We are not leaving this without a reaction. Such action by the entrepreneur also distorts competition in the market as it is detrimental to compliant participants," he added.

As reported, Vectra unilaterally changed the terms and conditions of internet and TV access services to its customers. It did so because of a modification clause, which it introduced into the executed contracts without legal basis.

Based on this clause, it increased the subscription fees of its customers by a few zlotys, this is from PLN 4 to PLN 7 (EUR 0.96-1.68) per month for each of the services.

Meanwhile, in the contract that the consumer signed - according to UOKiK - there was no provision allowing the entrepreneur to increase the fees.

Another allegation is the unilateral introduction of the so-called inflation clause into already concluded agreements. As UOKiK points out, such clauses legally recognised as abusive are ineffective and not binding on consumers.

The company faces a penalty of up to 10 percent of turnover and an obligation to remedy the ongoing effects of the breach, this is the return of illegally charged fees.

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