Poland's environmental fund's biogas programme approved by EIB

A programme for high-efficiency cogeneration from biogas produced from biomass has received approval from the European Investment Bank (EIB); it will have a budget of PLN 1 billion (EUR 238.2 mln) from the EU Modernisation Fund, Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management NFOSiGW said in a statement.

"The programme (...) has received approval from the European Investment Bank (EIB). The budget for the programme from the Modernisation Fund is PLN 1 billion," NFOSiGW announced.

The new programme approved by the EIB will support the production of biogas from biomass, with a particular focus on waste biomass, to generate electricity and heat in high-efficiency cogeneration.

"This is in addition to the support currently offered by NFOSiGW for municipal biogas plants and agricultural biogas plants," the Fund pointed out.

The programme is aimed at entrepreneurs. Funding is planned in the form of a grant of up to 40 percent of eligible costs and in the form of a loan of up to 100 percent of eligible costs. The call for applications is planned to be announced at the turn of 2025/2026.

The programme will run until 2030 and is expected to result in the total production of at least 40 million cubic metres of biogas from all supported investments.

jz/ ao/

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