R.Power wins in capacity auction for energy storage conducted by Poland's grid operator

Polish photovoltaic group R.Power has won in the capacity auction for energy storage facilities conducted by Poland's grid operator, R.Power said in a press release. The company secured the capacity obligation for 2029 by winning the auction for four energy storage projects with a total power of 655 MW and a capacity of 2.3 GWh.

As stated, the projects include the construction of four energy storage units (BESS), which will support the electricity grid through stabilisation services and participation in the balancing market.

"Thanks to the long-term contract, the power market revenues for these units are estimated at around PLN 1.6 billion (EUR 376 million)," R.Power wrote.

"At the same time, the energy storage facilities will enable the provision of additional services, such as operational support for the power system and the use of the price arbitrage market," it added.

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