Stalexport Autostrady seen netting PLN 136.2 mln after three quarters of 2024

Polish road infrastructure company Stalexport Autostrady estimates that it has posted an attributable net profit of PLN 136.2 million (EUR 31.5 mln) after the three quarters of 2024, up from PLN 121.3 million (EUR 28.1 mln) in the prior year period, the company said in a market filing.

According to the company's estimates, the operating profit rose to PLN 170.1 million (EUR 39.4 mln) in the period from PLN 149 million (EUR 34.5 mln) a year ago, EBITDA to PLN 246.2 million (EUR 57 mln) from PLN 216 million (EUR 50 mln) in the prior year period, and revenues likely increased to almost PLN 435 million (EUR 100.8 mln) from PLN 380.9 million (EUR 88.2 mln) after three quarters of 2023.

Revenues from toll collection on the A4 Katowice-Krakow motorway increased by 14.2 percent year on year to PLN 430.6 million (EUR 99.7 mln) after three quarters of 2024. Average daily traffic on this motorway fell by 0.3 percent to 48,800 during the period.

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