Tauron power acts in accordance with crisis staff guidance, overflow of Lubachow dam occurred

On Sunday, there was an uncontrolled overflow of water through the crown of the dam at the listed power utility Tauron Group's Lubachow hydroelectric power station, Tauron told PAP Biznes. As reported, the company is acting in accordance with the guidelines of the crisis staff.

"On Sunday, there was an uncontrolled overflow of water through the crown of the dam at the Lubachow hydroelectric power station. This happened after one of the largest ever water inflows into the reservoir, impossible to control," Tauron wrote in response to questions from PAP Biznes.

"Due to the distance from the dam, the effects of the overflow were felt on the Mietkow reservoir after several hours, on Monday, September 16," it added.

On Tuesday morning, during a meeting of the crisis staff in relation to the flood situation attended among others by Prime Minister Donald Tusk, the head of national water management body Wody Polskie Joanna Kopczynska reported that there had been a previously unpredicted sudden discharge of water into the Mietkow reservoir, which belongs to Wody Polskie, from a reservoir whose administrator is the Lubachow hydroelectric power station, owned by Tauron. The Prime Minister announced an explanation of the situation.

Tauron said in a statement that it is acting in accordance with the guidelines of the regional crisis management centres and is fighting the effects of the flood.

As reported, more than 700 employees of Tauron Dystrybucja are working under difficult conditions to restore power supply to flood-affected areas.

Eight Tauron Ekoenergia hydropower plants are flooded.

"Over the weekend, crews were evacuated from a number of power plants. Lighting in 68 municipalities was also damaged. Dozens of group employees were also affected by the flooding," Tauron wrote.

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