Tauron power receives decision from tax office on loss of tax capital group status

Listed power utility Tauron received a decision from the head of the Mazovian tax office in Warsaw stating the expiry of the decision on the formation of a tax capital group as of July 1, 2024, the company said in a market filing.

The potential negative impact of this decision on the group's net financial result calculated for the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024 would amount to approximately PLN 140 million (EUR 32.7 mln).

"(...) the final amount of interest will depend on the timing of the actual settlement of any outstanding tax dues. The above effects will not affect the EBITDA and operating result of the Tauron Group," the filing said.

The company said that, according to the head of the tax office, the expiry of the decision on the registration of a tax capital group occurred as a result of a breach of the condition for the company to hold at least 75 percent of the shares in the share capital of Tauron Zielona Energia, which is a member of Tauron's tax capital group.

"The loss of the status of the Tauron tax capital group would result in an individual income tax settlement and the payment of tax by the companies forming the Tauron tax capital group from January 1, 2023," the announcement said.

Tauron intends to file an appeal against this decision and will take steps to reinstate the tax capital group.

"The company intends to file an appeal against the decision of the head of the Mazovian tax office in Warsaw due to its belief that the merger process of TAURON Zielona Energia (the acquiring company) with 10 limited partnerships (the acquired companies) and thus the reduction of the company's share in the share capital of TAURON Zielona Energia from 100 percent to 62.5 percent, which was registered on July 1, 2024 in the Polish national court register, and determines the maintenance of the status of the TAURON Zielona Energia Capital Group," Tauron wrote in the filing.

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