Ten Square Games sees potential in 'Trophy Hunter' project, monetisation tests imminent

Listed video games producer Ten Square Games TSG has seen great potential in the Trophy Hunter game prototype due to satisfactory player engagement KPIs and plans to launch monetisation tests of the project over the next two weeks, the company's CEO Andrzej Ilczuk told a video conference.

"We are testing some insights and depth of the idea, then looking at how the teams are able to really impact the early engagement KPIs," CEO Ilczuk said.

"Looking at Trophy Hunter, it definitely had a better engagement KPI than Fishing Champions at the start. On top of that, the team was able to improve performance with greater ease. (...) Hence the idea to strengthen the Trophy Hunter team," he added.

TSG was working on two prototype games in 2024 - Trophy Hunter and Fishing Champions.

On October 31, however, the company announced that it was abandoning the development of a prototype for another fishing game.

It was reported at the time that the key parameters of the prototype, which had been tested over the past few months, proved insufficient to justify further investment in the development of this project.

"We see something very interesting in this project. Trophy Hunter has better engagement KPIs than Fishing Clash and Hunting Clash, and players, despite the fact that this is a game with virtually no content, are staying in the game longer than in the early stages than is the case with our flagship titles," he added.

In addition, the CEO said that in the next two weeks, the mobile game developer will start the first monetisation tests of the prototype, and further decisions will be made on this further plans in the context of Trophy Hunter in the fourth quarter of 2024 and the first quarter of 2025.

In contrast, in the case of the prototype being developed by Rortos under the name Flying Next, TSG will begin the first tests in 2025, and a decision will also be made next year regarding the further development of the project.

The company's CFO, Magdalena Jurewicz, also announced that the definition of how profits are shared with shareholders has been expanded.

"This is based on the fact that we want to pay out funds in the form of dividends, or in the form of share buybacks, or both tools in the same year," Jurewicz said.

The company is further concerting on the development of the online shop and maintains the target of a shop share of around 25 percent in the portfolio.

"We expect some fluctuations in terms of the percentage share of the shop, which is why you could see slight decreases in August and September," he said.

"We have made some important changes to reach a wider group of players - for example, we introduced the so-called Fish Bucks (currency for the game Fishing Clash - PAP), which allowed us to increase the shop's percentage share in October," he added.

TSG's online shop currently only offers products for Fishing Clash and Hunting Clash.

"The introduced Fish Bucks allowed us in Fishing Clash alone to reach about 20 percent (of the shop's share of payments - PAP) in October," explained chief technology officer Janusz Dziemidowicz.

"You can see that we are able to improve this percentage share and further on the team's goal is a 25 percent share of the shop across the entire portfolio," he added.

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