Trakcja builder inks up to PLN 1.25 bln net deal with PKP PLK

Listed builder Trakcja's consortium has entered into an agreement with Poland's railway infrastructure operator PKP PLK to carry out construction works, the company said in a market filing. The total maximum value of the contract may amount to PLN 1.25 billion (EUR 292.3 mln) net.

According to the agreement, Trakcja's assumed share in the entire basic scope is 30 percent, with the final share to be determined in the implementation agreement to be concluded between the consortium members after the conclusion of the contract.

In the event that PKP PLK takes advantage of the optional part concerning the implementation of changes to the rail traffic control devices and ECTS, the value of the contract will increase to PLN 2.16 billion (EUR 505 mln).

The consortium includes Trakcja, Pomorskie Przedsiebiorstwo Mechaniczno-Torowe and Zaklad Robot Komunikacyjnych - DOM in Poznan.

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