United Label applies to KNF for permission to delist all shares from NewConnect market

Polish computer games publisher United Label, owned by listed video games developer CI Games, has applied to Poland's financial market regulator KNF for permission to delist all the company's shares from trading in the alternative trading system on the NewConnect market, the company said in a market filing.

As stated, the application was made in order to implement the resolution of the general meeting of January 9, 2025, to delist all shares of the company from the alternative trading system on NewConnect.

In mid-December 2024, listed video games developer CI Games announced a compulsory buy-back of 63,748 shares in the company, carrying 5 percent of votes at the general meeting. The buyout price was PLN 18.04 (EUR 4.23) per share. At that time, CI Games had already held 95 percent of the publisher's shares.

On December 17, following the settlement of the compulsory buyout of 63,748 United Label shares, CI Games held 100 percent of the company's share capital and votes at the general meeting.

Earlier, CI Games' CEO Marek Tyminski had announced that the company's goal was to delist United Label from the stock market.

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