OECD warns of delays in construction of nuclear power plants in Poland

Given the scale and role of planned nuclear power investment in Poland, any potential delays will have an impact on decarbonisation and cost overruns, according to the newest edition of the Economic Outlook report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD.

"Given the size of the planned nuclear investment and its key role in decreasing reaching net zero, any potential delays will have an impact on the decarbonisation and cost overruns should be managed carefully," the report stated.

In addition to nuclear power, energy storage should also play an important role from the next decade onwards, they added.

The transition to net-zero emissions will double energy demand in Poland, the OECD economists noted, citing official estimates.

"Nuclear energy, a cornerstone of Poland’s net-zero transition plans, is expected to come on stream in the next decade," it added.

They recalled that government plans envisage around 6-9 GW of power from large nuclear reactors, with the first reactor at Lubiatowo-Kopalino coming online in 2036.

"A second nuclear power plant is also planned. In addition, private sector is looking into feasibility of nuclear power. A recent international review acknowledged the progress made by the authorities in development of the national nuclear power programme, including in developing the necessary infrastructure," it said.

At the same time, they noted that the current government is in the process of reviewing key strategic documents for the energy sector: National Energy and Climate Plans (KPEiK) to 2030, PEP to 2040 and the long-term energy strategy.

"(...) reaching an agreement across political parties and main stakeholders can be difficult. Establishing a Climate Council, as for instance in France, Germany or Sweden, that would gather the main stakeholders, could help in consensus building, gaining stakeholder support and build society-wide understanding of issues at hand," it added.

They added that such a council would also help to integrate decarbonisation targets into legislation, as is the case in Germany, Denmark or the UK.

jz/ nl/

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