Polish President signs 2025 budget law; sends part of provisions to Constitutional Court

Poland's President Andrzej Duda has signed the 2025 budget law and sent some of the provisions to the Constitutional Court for follow-up scrutiny, the head of the presidential office Malgorzata Paprocka told a conference on Friday.

"The budget law first of all regulates all issues related to state expenditures and revenues, but it also contains very important regulations for citizens. I am thinking here primarily of issues related to the increase of salaries in the budgetary sphere of teachers, soldiers, officers, also the valorisation of pensions," Paprocka said.

"The increases, bearing in mind the worsening economic situation in Poland, inflation, price increases, are very much expected and desired by Poles, and they will be realised only after the budget law is signed by the President and after it is published in the Journal of Law," she added.

According to the Polish Constitution, if the head of state refers the budget law to the Constitutional Court, the Court has two months from the receipt of the request to rule on it.

mcb/ ao/ han/

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