cyber_Folks IT granted permission to acquire 49.9 pct of shares in Shoper software

Poland's antitrust and consumer protection regulator UOKiK has approved listed IT company cyber_Folks' acquisition of 49.9 percent of shares in listed web development software company Shoper, cyber_Folks said in a press release. It pointed out that the PLN 547.5 million (EUR 130.1 mln) transaction is a key element in the implementation of cyber_Folks' strategy, with the cooperation between the two companies aimed at developing e-commerce technology and creating products for online entrepreneurs.

"We are pleased that the decision of UOKiK is positive. We are now proceeding to finalise the transaction, its closing is a matter of a few days," said CEO of cyber_Folks Jakub Dwernicki, quoted in the press release.

"With the acquisition of Shoper, we are becoming one of the largest end-to-end e-commerce technology companies in Central and Eastern Europe," he added.

In December 2024, cyber_Folks signed a preliminary agreement to purchase 14,039,145 Shoper shares at a price of PLN 39 (EUR 9.27) per share, which translates into a total transaction value of PLN 547.5 million (EUR 130.1 mln). The transaction will be financed through debt financing.

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