Cyber_Folks plans return to mergers and acquisitions path

Listed IT company cyber_Folks plans to return to mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the coming years, the company representatives told a conference. The outlook for Q4 appears optimistic, driven by a significant reduction in debt levels.

"In the coming years, we expect a return to the M&A path, which will boost our growth dynamics. We have ample space for this due to a strong decline in debt. At the beginning of the year, our net debt/EBITDA ratio was 1.5x, and by the end of the year, it should approach zero," deputy CEO Robert Stasik said.

Stasik noted that investment potential will also be unlocked, with approximately PLN 80 million (EUR 18.5 mln) expected from the sale of a stake in Profitroom.

"We have significant potential to finance acquisitions solely through debt," he added.

In Q3 2024, Cyber_Folks reported an EBITDA of PLN 44.9 million (EUR 10.4 mln) and an operating profit of PLN 32.3 million (EUR 7.5 mln), aligning closely with analyst expectations. The company achieved a 70 percent increase in net profit attributed to shareholders compared to the previous year.

Jakub Dwernicki, CEO of Cyber_Folks, highlighted that marketing costs for their products _Stores and _Now are budgeted, and while these costs may rise, they will not affect the company's ability to meet expected results.

The group’s revenue reached PLN 185 million (EUR 42.8 mln) in Q3, marking a 54 percent year-on-year increase. With a current investment level exceeding PLN 20 million (EUR 4.6 mln) annually focused on e-commerce tools, Cyber_Folks aims to grow its customer base significantly over the next few years.

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