Azoty chemicals adopts concept for integration of logistics areas within capital group

Listed chemicals group Azoty has adopted a concept for the integration of logistics areas within the capital group, the company said in a press release. In the next steps, a dedicated team will work on the target integration model and the work will consider the possibility of centralising this area.

The company stated that the approval of the roadmap for the integration of logistics in Grupa Azoty is scheduled for the third quarter 2025.

"We have been indicating for several months that the logistics areas will play a far greater role in the Azoty Group's business than before. We have in mind both our port areas - here partnerships with companies interested in importing particular raw materials will be an important aspect, but also our rail infrastructure," said the deputy CEO Andrzej Dawidowski, quoted in the press release.

"We are moving away from the concept of using our assets almost exclusively for the needs of the capital group," he added.

Azoty group's logistics assets include the railway company Grupa Azoty Koltar, seaports in Gdansk, Gdynia and Police, as well as the extensive logistics infrastructure of individual Group companies and the LHS transshipment terminal at Grupa Azoty Siarkopol.

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