Poland's WSE operator announces programme of zero trading fees on ETF and ETCs

The Warsaw Stock Exchange's operator GPW announced a programme of fee reductions on trading in ETFs, ETCs and ETNs for exchange members, which will start on January 1, 2025, and last for a full year, the operator said in a press release.

GPW said that the programme is a continuation of the temporary abolition of fees in November and December 2024 and aims to popularise exchange-traded funds, educate Poles about modern financial instruments and attract new investors to the Warsaw trading floor.

"The programme, which will run throughout 2025, aims to raise awareness among individual investors, attract new market participants and improve liquidity on the Warsaw Stock Exchange," the WSE operator wrote.

"To qualify for the programme, exchange members must reduce the transaction fees charged to clients for trading in ETFs and ETCs on the WSE to no more than 0.2 percent of the transaction value or abolish them altogether," it added.

For those embarking on their investment adventure, as well as experienced investors looking to diversify their investment portfolios, the operator of WSE has launched an education and information website ETFnaGPW. pl on ETFs and ETCs listed on the Warsaw trading floor.

"The WSE hopes that the combination of the programme of fee reductions and educational activities, among others through the new website, will contribute to the popularisation of ETFs on the Polish capital market," the market filing added.

The market filing said that the Warsaw Stock Exchange plans to enrich the range of ETFs both in terms of the number of listed funds and the diversity of underlying assets.

Currently, the WSE lists ETCs for physical gold and 13 ETFs, through which investors can gain exposure to both the Polish equity and bond markets, as well as the US and German equity markets.

The WSE offers both traditional ETFs that passively mimic indices and leveraged ETFs to take advantage of short-term market movements.

In November, the total value of trading in ETFs and ETCs on the Warsaw Stock Exchange amounted to PLN 139 million (EUR 32.6 mln), a year-on-year increase of 42.3 percent.

From January to November, the total value of trading in these instruments reached PLN 1.358 billion (EUR 318.2 mln), an increase of 34.8 percent compared to the prior year period.

mbi/ han/ ao/

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