Airbus enters Polish flag airline's tender for 84 regional route planes

European passenger jet maker Airbus is offering its A220 airliner in the 100 and 300 versions in a tender for 84 airplanes organised by Polish national airline LOT, Benoit de Saint-Exupery, Airbus vice-president, has told PAP.

French newspaper Le Monde recently reported that Airbus president was planning to visit Poland in a hope to win big orders.

De Saint-Exupery confirmed the news to PAP, saying the Airbus offer concerns the two types of the A220 plane, 100 and 300, to service regional flights by LOT. Its main competitor is Brazil's Embraer.

He said the LOT fleet replacement was expected to be relatively quick, starting from 2026 or 2027 and lasting until 2030.

He also said LOT was planning to make a decision on the planes within months.

The A220 is produced by Airbus Canada from components manufactured all around the world. Forty percent of the parts are manufactured in Europe and some elements are made in Poland.

De Saint-Exupery said Airbus Group employs 850 people and spends USD 500 million a year in Poland, comparing it to media reports of Embraer's total spending of USD 30 million in the country.

Currently, LOT's fleet comprises airliners by two manufacturers, Boeing and Embraer. The Polish airline leased Airbus planes in the past when it needed additional aircraft.

A few days ago, Embraer Group head Francisco Gomes Neto visited Warsaw to present the Brazilian producer's offer. (PAP)

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