PKP Intercity railway contracts over PLN 16.5 bln rolling stock projects

Poland's long-distance railway carrier PKP Intercity has contracted rolling stock projects worth more than PLN 16.5 billion (EUR 3.8 bln) gross with Polish manufacturers and repair facilities, PKP Intercity said in a press release. In the second half of 2024 alone, the carrier concluded contracts worth nearly PLN 9.4 billion (EUR 2.2 bln) gross.

As indicated, orders of the highest value are being realised for PKP Intercity by listed rolling stock manufacturer Newag.

Contracts have been signed with the manufacturer for the delivery of a total of 78 multisystem locomotives with a speed of 200 km/h and 66 single-system electric locomotives with a speed of 160 km/h.

PKP Railway added that Newag is to produce 35 dual-system multiple units. The gross amount of all contracts is PLN 7.7 billion (EUR 1.8 bln).

"The gross amount of PLN 5.4 billion has been invested by PKP Intercity in rolling stock produced by H. Cegielski - Fabryka Pojazdow Szynowych," PKP Intercity wrote.

"P5 level repair projects are already underway in Poznan, along with the modernisation of 172 cars. In addition, a contract worth PLN 4.2 billion was signed in July this year for the delivery of new 300 cars," it added.

As stated, around PLN 1 billion (EUR 230.4 mln) gross is the value of the contracts concluded between PKP Intercity and PESA Bydgoszcz and PESA Minsk Mazowiecki.

They include the purchase of 16 diesel-electric hybrid locomotives with speeds of up to 160 km/h, as well as the P5-level repair of 67 coaches of various types.

"In November this year, the carrier also signed contracts with the PKP Intercity Remtrak repair facility for a gross amount of almost PLN 1.5 billion for the repair with modernisation of 150 cars," PKP Intercity wrote.

"In addition, the plants in Opoczno and Opole are carrying out repairs with modernisation of 105 more cars. The total value of the concluded contracts is over PLN 2.5 billion gross," it added.

gaw/ han/ ao/

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