Tauron wants to acquire 100 pct of shares in SPV with rights to 190 MW wind farm project

Listed power utility Tauron's supervisory board has made the decision allowing the acquisition from VSB Green Yield One of 100 percent of shares in the share capital of the special purpose vehicle Finadvice Polska 1 which holds the rights to a wind farm project with a capacity of approximately 190 MW located in Wielkopolskie region, the company said in a market filing.

The shares will be acquired by Tauron's green energy unit, Tauron Zielona Energia (TZE). TZE estimates that the total capital expenditure related to the acquisition of the SPV and the construction of the wind farm may reach approximately PLN 1.9 billion (EUR 445 mln).

As stated, the SPV - according to the adopted assumptions - will complete the wind farm project in the second half of 2027.

The parties assume the signing of the final documentation for the acquisition of shares by September 20, 2024.

It was indicated that the purchase of the SPV holding the rights to the wind farm project will be an important step in the implementation of the Tauron group's strategy for 2022-2030 with an outlook to 2050, in the area of the development of renewable energy sources.

mcb/ ao/ nl/

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1 CHF 4,5137 0,45%
1 EUR 4,2702 0,12%
1 GBP 5,1229 0,39%
100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
1 USD 3,8330 0,61%