BANK GOSPODARSTWA KRAJOWEGO (70/2024) Dopuszczenie do obrotu na giełdzie w Luksemburgu obligacji o wartości 300.000.000 EUR

Raport bieżący 70/2024



Admission to trading on the Luxembourg Stock

Exchange of bonds with a value of EUR 300,000,000

Current report No. 70/2024



Art. 56.1.2 Act on public offer; §

17 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on

current and periodic information provided by issuers of securities and on

conditions under which information required by legal regulations of a

non-member state may be recognized (current report)

Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego

with its registered office in Warsaw (the _quot;Bank_quot;) informs that on 25

September 2024 the Bonds, issued by the Bank under the Medium Term Note

Programme, were admitted to trading on the regulated market of the

Luxembourg Stock Exchange (Bourse de Luxembourg) with the following


a) aggregate principal amount of EUR 300,000,000 (in

words: three hundred million euro) which is equal to PLN 1,279,020,000

(in words: one billion two hundred and seventy-nine million twenty

thousand zloty) according to average NBP exchange rate as of 25

September 2024,

b) fixed coupon of 0.5% p.a. payable annually,

c) maturity date: 8 July 2031,

d) principal value of one bond: EUR 100,000 and

integral multiples of EUR 1,000 in excess of EUR 100,000 (in words: one

hundred thousand euro) which is equal to PLN 426,340 (in words: four

hundred and twenty-six thousand three hundred and forty zloty) according

to average NBP exchange rate as of 25 September 2024, provided the

minimum subscription amount is EUR 100,000,

e) number of bonds admitted to trading: 3,000,

f) series: 6, tranche 3,

g) ISIN code: XS2361047538/ temporary: XS2908113686,

h) the admission to trading date and the listing date

is: 25 September 2024.


series of bonds issued, as indicated above, received a rating of A2

(Stable) from Moody's Investors Service Cyprus Limited and a rating of A-

(Stable) from Fitch Ratings Ireland Limited.

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